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Cambridge Library Collection

题名:Cambridge Library Collection - Life Sciences丛书

出版社:Cambridge University Press

The fauna and flora of Palestine

The Survey of Western Palestine was carried out under the auspices of the Palestine Exploration Fund between 1871 and 1877, and its results were published in a series of books between 1882 and 1888. This volume was written by H. B. Tristram (1822-1906), the naturalist, geologist and Anglican priest, whose The Land of Israel is also reissued in this series. Although he declined a bishopric in Jerusalem, he made four separate trips to Palestine in order to compile this catalogue of its flora and fauna. Including all native vertebrates, molluscs and plants known at the time, the work was first published in 1884 and laid the foundation for zoological study in Palestine. The catalogue offers a fascinating insight into the theories of late Victorian taxonomy as well the species it classifies here. Also included are detailed drawings and a scholarly preface summarising and tabulating Tristram's research.

我馆收藏的《Cambridge Library Collection》丛书有:

The Malay Archipelago :the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise : a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature                         N913.38/W187

The naturalisation of animals and plants in New Zealand    N916.12/T483

Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity, and evolution      Q11/L813

Darwin, and after Darwin                               Q111.2/R758

Tutira :the story of a New Zealand sheep station       Q14/G984

Ecological versatility and community ecology           Q14/M169

Key topics in landscape ecology                        Q149/K44

Materials for the study of variation :treated with especial regard to discontinuity in the origin of species                                             Q319/Ag262

The variation of animals and plants under domestication    Q319/D228

Molecular imaging with reporter genes                  Q343/M718

Zoonomia, or, The laws of organic life                Q4/D228

Chemical biophysics :quantitative analysis of cellular systems    Q5/B368

An introduction to modeling of transport processes :applications to biomedical systems                                                         Q67/D232

Biotechnology of microbial exopolysaccharides          Q939.9/S966

Elements of the philosophy of plants :containing the principles of scientific botany   Q94/C219

The elements of botany                                 Q94/J96

A text-book of botany :morphological and physiological     Q94/S121

On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects :and on the good effects of intercrossing                   Q944.4/D228

The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species   Q944.57/D228

The natural philosophy of plant form                   Q944/Ar664

A selection from the transactions of the royal and horticultural societies   Q945/K69

Flora indica :being a systematic account of the plants of British India, together with observations on the structure and affinities of their natural orders and genera    Q948.535.1/H783

First book of Indian botany                            Q948.535.1/O-48

Niger flora, or, An enumeration of the plants of western tropical Africa   Q948.543/N685

Memorials, journal and botanical correspondence of Charles Cardale Babington   Q948.556.1/B114

Manual of British botany :containing the flowering plants and ferns arranged according to the natural orders                                         Q948.556.1/B114

Types of British vegetation :by members of the Central Committee for the Survey and study of British Vegetation                                             Q948.556.1/C397

Flora of Suffolk :A Catalogue of the Plants (Indigenous or Naturalized) Found in a Wild State in the County of Suffolk                               Q948.556.1/H526

Manual of the New Zealand flora                        Q948.561.2/C515

The vegetation of New Zealand                          Q948.561.2/C664

Handbook of the New Zealand flora :a systematic description of the native plants of New Zealand                                                        Q948.561.2/H783

Studies of plant life in Canada :or, gleanings from forest, lake and plain     Q948.571.1/T766

Fungi :ascomycetes, ustilaginales, uredinales         Q949.32/G995

The ferns (Filicales) :treated comparatively with a view to their natural classification                                                         Q949.36/B786

Water plants :a study of aquatic angiosperms           Q949.7/Ar664

The origin of cultivated plants                        Q949.9/C219

Flora medica :a botanical account of all the more important plants used in medicine, in different parts of the world                                     Q949.95/L746

Icones plantarum, or, Figures, with brief descriptive characters and remarks of new or rare plants, selected from the author's herbarium        Q949-64/H783

The animal kingdom                                     Q95/C992

The Philosophy of zoology, or a general view of the structure, functions, and classification of animals                                             Q95/F597

Zoological philosophy :an exposition with regard to the natural history of animals     Q95/L215

Philosophie zoologique :an exposition with regard to the natural history of animals.                                                       Q95/L215

Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America     Q95/R523

Mental evolution in animals :with a posthumous essay on instinct by Charles Darwin                                                         Q958.12/R758

Sources, sinks and sustainability                      Q958.15/S724

The geographical distribution of animals :With a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas                                                 Q958.2/W187

The fauna and flora of Palestine                       Q958.538.1/T838

On the anatomy of vertebrates                          Q959.304/O-97

The animals of New Zealand :an account of the dominion's air-breathing vertebrates     Q959.7/H984

History of quadrupeds                                  Q959.8/P412

Kangaroos :their ecology and management in the sheep rangelands  of Australia   Q959.82/K16

Insect flight                                          Q965/P957

Neanderthals and Modern Humans :An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective   Q981/F512

The book of garden management                          S6/B724

The theory of horticulture :or, an attempt to explain the principal operations of gardening : upon physiological principles                          S6/L746

A treatise on the culture and management of fruit-trees    S66/F735

The fruit manual :containing the descriptions and synonymes of fruits and fruit trees commonly met with in the gardens and orchards of Great Britain   S66/H716

The British pomology :the history, description, classification, and synonymes, of the fruits and fruit trees of Great Britain                       S661.1/H716

The amateur's flower garden :a handy guide to the formation and mangament of the flower garden and the cultivation of garden flowers                  S68/H624

The English flower garden :style, position, and arrangement      S68/R658

The subtropical garden :or, Beauty of form in the flower garden   S68/R666

The wild garden :or, Our groves and shrubberies made beautiful   S68/R666

The fern garden :how to make, keep, and enjoy it.     S682.35/Ag262

The rose book :a practical treatise on the culture of the rose    S685.12/H624

Sylva, or, A discourse of forest trees :with an essay on the life and works of the author                                                         S71/Ev93

In a Yorkshire garden                                 TU986.656.1/F245

Home and garden :notes and thoughts, practical and critical, of a worker in both                                                        TU986.656.1/J47

Practical hints upon landscape gardening :with some remarks on domestic architecture, as connected with scenery                                           TU986/G489

Wood and garden :notes and thoughts, practical and critical, of a working amateur     TU986/J47

Garden-craft old and new                               TU986/R357

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