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帕特里克·莫迪亚诺作品——《Missing person》

核心提示: 帕特里克·莫迪亚诺(Patrick Modiano 1945— ),法国小说家,获得2014年诺贝尔文学奖。获奖原因为帕特里克·莫迪亚诺的作品“唤起了对最不可捉摸的人类命运的记忆” 他的作品捕捉到了二战法国被占领期间普通人的生活。

题名:Missing person

作者:Patrick Modiano

Patrick Modiano

In this strange, elegant novel, winner of France's premier literary prize, Patrick Modiano portrays a man in pursuit of the identity he lost in the murky days of the Paris Occupation, the black hole of French memory.

For ten years Guy Roland has lived without a past. His current life and name were given to him by his recently retired boss, Hutte, who welcomed him, a onetime client, into his detective agency. Guy makes full use of Hutte's files - directories, yearbooks, and papers of all kinds going back half a century - but his leads are few. Could he really be the person in that photograph, a young man remembered by some as a South American attaché? Or was he someone else, perhaps the disappeared scion of a prominent local family? He interviews strangers and is tantalized by half-clues until, at last, he grasps a thread that leads him through the maze of his own repressed experience.

On one level Missing Person is a detective thriller, a 1950s film noir mix of smoky cafés, illegal passports, and insubstantial figures crossing bridges in the fog. On another level, it is also a haunting meditation on the nature of the self. Modiano's sparce, hypnotic prose, superbly translated by Daniel Weissbort, draws his readers into the intoxication of a rare literary experience. (Verba Mundi)


  • 微笑
  • 流汗
  • 难过
  • 羡慕
  • 愤怒
  • 流泪