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核心提示: 核心提示:近日,我校园艺林学学院森林生态团队和澳大利亚科廷大学在生物学领域杂志Biological Reviews发表了综述论文,揭示了种子植物生殖系统对林火的适应机制。

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 滕明君)11月29日,《生物学综述》(Biological Reviews)在线发表了我校森林生态研究团队与澳大利亚科廷大学共同完成的“火诱导下种子植物生殖系统进化研究进展(Evolutionary history of fire-stimulated resprouting, flowering, seed release and germination)”,系统地阐明了林火在植物生殖系统进化过程中所起的重要作用。



图1. Age of fire-prone taxa/clades relative to component taxa/clades with fire-resistant or fire-enhancing traits. The broken diagonal line corresponds to the time where the onset of fire-proneness and fire-adapted traits coincide (or at least they lie on the same internode and current methods do not allow any age differences to be distinguished). The taxa and their associated traits are stated near their coordinates (black spots), i.e. the age of the parent clade on the x axis and the time the targeted trait is estimated to have arisen in the clade on the y axis (typically the former is older than the latter, i.e. the trait arose some time after the clade became fire-prone). Duration of the fire-prone parent clade is shown separately from the non-fire-prone parent clade (the latter is open-ended as its duration is unknown or continues indefinitely). D1 = primary directional selection; D2 = secondary directional selection; S = stabilised selection. The shaded lower triangular area is the region in which the component taxa/clades are fire-prone. Mya, million years ago.



图2. Contribution of four novel and conserved fire-related trait-types to total (net) speciation at the lineage level for 10-million-year (My) intervals over the last 120 My. The outcomes of primary (D1) and secondary (D2) selection have been combined. The broken lines are the trends for the 12060 Mya (Upper Cretaceous) and 600 Mya (Cenozoic) periods.

除松科植物外,大部分与林火有关的生物性状的起源和进化都发生在南半球, 这与南半球历史上的气候条件有关。在世界范围内,火灾对植物繁殖性状的演化产生了深远的影响,并为许多与火灾无关性状的后续进化奠定了基础。该项研究成果拓宽了人们对植物生殖系统系统发育的认知,为研究植物在全球气候变化下的生物学特性的进化提供重要的理论参考。



审核人:晏召贵 王鹏程
