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核心提示: 近日,Journal of Experimental Botany在线发表了华中农业大学果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室/湖北洪山实验室邓秀新院士团队柴利军教授组题为“S-locus F-Box Protein as Pollen S determinant Targets Non-self S-RNase underlying Self-Incompatibility in Citrus”的研究论文。

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 曹宗洪)近日,Journal of Experimental Botany在线发表了华中农业大学果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室/湖北洪山实验室邓秀新院士团队柴利军教授组题为“S-locus F-Box Protein as Pollen S determinant Targets Non-self S-RNase underlying Self-Incompatibility in Citrus”的研究论文。该研究首次通过活体功能实验证实SLF(S-Locus F-Box)蛋白是控制柑橘自交不亲和的花粉(雄蕊)决定因子,为深入解析基于S-RNase介导的柑橘自交不亲和机制奠定了理论基础。

自交不亲和性(Self-incompatibility,SI)是显花植物中广泛存在的一种生殖机制,其意义在于防止自交衰退以保持物种的遗传多样性。柑橘是世界上最重要的果树作物之一,无论是种植面积还是产量上都是公认的世界第一大类水果(邓秀新 2022)。对于一些广泛栽培的柑橘品种如‘沙田柚’等,由于其存在自交不亲和性而导致自交座果率极低,在生产中需要配置授粉树或进行人工授粉以提高产量,不仅提高了生产成本同时导致果实的种子多,严重影响了商品价值。课题组前期经过十多年系统研究,首次鉴定出控制芸香科柑橘自交不亲和花柱(雌蕊)决定因子S-RNase(Liang et al 2020),但花粉(雄蕊)决定因子一直未有突破。

本研究以‘无酸柚’和‘琯溪蜜柚’为材料,通过三代测序与分型组装获得WSYgv1和GXYgv1基因组并得到3个新的S位点信息,在3个S位点中一共鉴定到36个SLF/SLF-like基因。利用138个柑橘SLF蛋白参照矮牵牛中的‘协同异己识别模型’,基于每个S单倍型中SLF分化、缺失和突变信息,构建了用于预测特异靶标S-RNase的系统发育模型。进而利用柑橘模式植物‘山金柑’(Fortunella hindsii),通过转基因证明S6-SLF7a可以识别S8-RNase打破山金柑(基因型为S7S8和S8S29)的SI(图1)。另外,利用晚白柚全基因组数据,分别鉴定雄蕊特异性高表达的CgSSK1和CgCUL1基因。生化实验结果表明,CgSSK1可以与具有雄蕊S决定因子功能的S6-SLF7a以及CgCUL1蛋白互作,并且也可以与S1和S2位点上的所有SLF蛋白互作。

图1 S6-SLF7a是柑橘自交不亲和性的雄蕊S决定因子

图1 S6-SLF7a是柑橘自交不亲和性的雄蕊S决定因子



英文摘要:Self-incompatibility (SI) is a crucial mechanism that prevents self-fertilization and inbreeding in flowering plants. Citrus exhibits SI regulated by a polymorphic S-locus containing an S-RNase gene and multiple S-locus F-box (SLF) genes. It has been documented that S-RNase functions as the pistil S determinant, but there is no direct evidence that the SLFs closely linked with S-RNase function as pollen S determinants in Citrus. This study assembled the genomes of two pummelo (Citrus grandis) plants and obtained three novel complete and well-annotated S-haplotypes and isolated 36 SLF or SLF-like alleles on the S-loci. Phylogenetic analysis of 138 SLFs revealed that the SLFs were classified into 12 types, including six types with divergent or missing alleles. Furthermore, transformation experiments verified that the conserved S6-SLF7a protein can lead the transition of SI to self-compatibility (SC) by recognizing non-self S8-RNase in ‘Mini-Citrus’ plants (S7S8 and S8S29, Fortunella hindsii), a model plant for citrus gene function studies. In vitro assays demonstrated interactions between SLFs of different S haplotypes and the Skp1–Cullin1–F-box subunit CgSSK1 protein. This study provides direct evidence that SLF controls the pollen function in Citrus, demonstrating its role in the ‘non-self-recognition’ SI system.



责任编辑: 张森